Join students and researchers who have used the research design canvas + academic tools to plan, design, understand, and write their research
Tool Downloads By Researchers
200+ Universities
30+ Countries
Simplify, Plan, Design, & Write Your Research
Academic Tools & Training To Make Your Research Journey Easier + More Enjoyable
Are you struggling or stressed with your thesis?
Frustrated with the long + uncertain research and writing process?
Or confused and want an easier way to understand academic research?
Designing, conducting, and writing up research is not easy. It’s no wonder that students and novice researchers lose confidence when hard work doesn’t translate into progress.
The truth is, if you don’t make the decision to take control of your research, you might find that your research begins to control you and most of your time!
With proven academic tools, used by students + researchers from universities in countries across the world, you’ll be able to take back control, so that you can plan, design, and write your research more easily and with more confidence.
Hi, I'm Dr. Ben!
I founded Academic Toolkit to provide academic design tools to plan, guide, design, understand, and write research. Having struggled with my own PhD journey at The University of Cambridge, and witnessing other students suffer the complexity of academic research and the thesis and paper writing process, I began to explore how to simplify the overwhelming process of planning, designing, conducting, and writing research.
My academic journey took a chance turn when a friend introduced me to the business model canvas - a design tool created to help entrepreneurs, business owners, and companies create and evaluate business models. Seeing how the canvas simplified a complex process, I began to build a design tool for researchers - the research design canvas.
The research design canvas and other tools have been downloaded and used by students from universities in countries across the world. I’ve delivered research training on how to use the canvas and other tools in seminars, workshops, and webinars (to see feedback from students who have benefited, see below).
I’m now happy to provide online courses to help you build confidence and make progress in your research. I realise the last thing you want or need is additional reading, so the online training are all ON-DEMAND VIDEO-based courses, with clear step-by-step instructions of how to make progress in your research, without the extra reading burden :)
Want To Plan Your Research Like A Pro?
A Personalized Digital Research Design Canvas
Bring together the moving parts of your evolving research + thesis in a single digital file. Edit and update your digital canvas to effectively plan, design, and progress your project.